A common file format for digital film work is the ANSI/SMPTE DPX file format which represents the density of each colour channel of a scanned negative in a "10-bit log" format. There is typically a different file for each frame, often 20 to 50 megabytes in size. DPX files are often referred to as "digital negatives".
The DPX file format is derived from the output file format of the Kodak Cineon film scanner, and has been published by SMPTE as ANSI/SMPTE 268M-2003 (was 268M-1994).
Availability of the Official DPX Standard
Availability in Single Copy:
SMPTE has the DPX standard 268M-2003, indexed on page 11 (http://www.smpte.org/smpte_store/standards/index.cfm?scope=0&stdtype=smpte&CurrentPage=11) of their standards index (http://www.smpte.org/smpte_store/standards/index.cfm?stdtype=smpte&scope=0) (April, 2005)
With Other SMPTE Standards:
SMPTE's top standards page (http://www.smpte.org/smpte_store/standards/) has information about the ordering of CD-ROMs, which would hold formal copy of the SMPTE standards -- surely, including a copy of the the DPX 268M-2003 standard, itself.