Cybotron were an electro group consisting of two members, Juan Atkins and Rick Davis, formed in 1980, in Detroit. Singles such as "Clear", "Alleys of Your Mind," and "Enter" married a funk-feel to explorations of Detroit's landscape.
The group was signed to the label Fantasy Records and released their first LP Enter in 1983. Cybotron were inspired by European synthesizer pioneers Kraftwerk and literary influences such as Alvin Toffler's Future Shock. Soon after the release of the album, in 1983 Juan Atkins left the group because of artistic differences. Rick Davies wanted to pursue a musical direction closer to rock and roll, while Atkins wanted to continue in the electro-style vein of "Clear." After the breakup Rick Davis carried on, and released several records as Cybotron. Juan Atkins also continued his musical career after the breakup, and has released several records under the names of Model 500 and Infinity.