Control of respiration
Control of respiration refers to the physiological mechanisms involved in the control of respiration (physiology).
Breathing depends upon cyclical inspiratory muscle excitation by the nerves. This neural activity is triggered by the medullary inspiratory neurons. Ventilation is reflexively inhibited by an increase in arterial partial pressure of oxygen and by a decrease in arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Monitoring of the blood is by central chemoreceptors in the medulla oblongata and peripheral chemoreceptors located in the carotid bodies and aortic bodies. Afferent neurons from the carotid bodies and aortic bodies are via the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) and the vagus nerve (CN X), respectively. During moderate exercise, ventilation increases in proportion to metabolism. During strenuous exercise, ventilation increases more than metabolism.
Ventilation is also controlled by reflexes originating in airway receptors and by conscious intent.