Conjugation of regular Catalan verbs
Conjugation of regular Catalan verbs.
This is a supplement to the main article on Catalan grammar.
can-tar (1) | perd-re, tém-er | sent-ir, acolor-ir |
cant-ant | perd-ent, tem-ent | sent-int, acolor-int |
cant-at | perd-ut, tem-ut | sent-it, acolor-it |
Present | ||
cant-o | perd-o, tem-o | sent-o, acolor-eix-o (3) |
cant-es | perd-s, tem-s | sent-s, acolor-eix-es |
cant-a | perd, tem | sent, acolor-eix |
cant-em | perd-em, tem-em | sent-im, acolor-im |
cant-eu | perd-eu, tem-eu | sent-iu, acolor-iu |
cant-en | perd-en, tem-en | sent-en, acolor-eix-en |
Preterite imperfect | ||
cant-av-a | perd-i-a, tem-i-a | sent-i-a, acolor-i-a |
cant-av-es | perd-i-es, tem-i-es | sent-i-es, acolor-i-es |
cant-a-va | perd-i-a, tem-i-a | sent-i-a, acolor-i-a |
cant-àv-em | perd-í-em, tem-í-em | sent-í-em, acolor-íem |
cant-àv-veu | perd-í-eu, tem-í-eu | sent-í-eu, acolor-í-eu |
cant-àv-en | perd-i-en, tem-i-en | sent-i-en, acolor-i-en |
Preterite perfect (4) | ||
cant-í (2) | perd-í, tem-í | sent-í, acolor-í |
cant-a-res | perd-e-res, tem-e-res | sent-i-res, acolor-i-res |
cantà | perdé, tem-é | sent-í, acolor-í |
cant-à-rem | perd-é-rem, tem-érem | sent-i-rem, acolor-i-rem |
cant-à-reu | perd-é-reu, tem-é-reu | sent-í-reu, acolor-í-reu |
cant-a-ren | perd-i-en, tem-i-en | sent-i-en, acolor-i-en |
Future | ||
cant-a-ré | perd-r-é, tem-er-é | sent-i-ré, acolor-i-ré |
cant-ar-às | perd-r-às, tem-er-às | sent-ir-às, acolor-ir-às |
cant-ar-à | perd-r-à, tem-er-à | sent-ir-à, acolor-ir-à |
cant-ar-em | perd-r-em, tem-er-em | sent-ir-em, acolor-ir-em |
cant-ar-eu | perd-r-eu, tem-er-eu | sent-ir-eu, acolor-ir-eu |
cant-ar-an | perd-r-an, tem-er-an | sent-ir-an, acolor-ir-an |
Conditional | ||
cant-ar-ia | perd-r-ia (5), tem-er-ia | sent-ir-ia, acolor-ir-ia |
cant-ar-ies | perd-r-ies, tem-er-ies | sent-ir-ies, acolor-ir-ies |
cant-a-ria | perd-r-ia, tem-er-ia | sent-ir-ia, acolor-ir-ia |
cant-ar-íem | perd-r-íem, tem-er-íem | sent-ir-iem, acolor-ir-íem |
cant-ar-íeu | perd-r-íeu, tem-er-íeu | sent-ir-íeu, acolor-ir-íeu |
cant-ar-ieu | perd-r-ien, tem-er-ien | sent-ir-ien, acolor-ir-ien |
Present | ||
cant-i (2) | perd-i, tem-i | sent-i, acolor-eix-i (3) |
cant-is | perd-is, tem-is | sent-is, acolor-eix-is |
canti | perd-i, tem-i | sent-i, acolor-eix-i |
cant-em | perd-em, tem-em | sent-im, acolor-im |
cant-eu | perd-eu, tem-eu | sent-iu, acolor-iu |
cant-in | perd-in, tem-in | sent-in, acolor-eix-in |
Preterite imperfect | ||
cant-és (2) | perd-és, tem-és | sent-ís, acolor-ís |
cant-ess-is | perd-ess-is, tem-ess-is | sent-iss-is, acolor-iss-is |
cant-és | perd-és, tem-és | sent-ís, acolor-ís |
cant-éss-im | perd-éss-im, tem-éss-im | sent-ís-imm, acolor-íss-im |
cant-éss-iu | perd-éss-iu, tem-éss | sent-íss-iu, acolor-íss-iu |
cant-ess-in | perd-ess-in, tem-ess-in | sent-iss-in, dom-iss-in |
cant-a | perd, tem | sent, acolor-eix (1) |
cant-i | perd-i, tem-i | sent-i, acolor-eix-i |
cant-em | perd-em, tem-em | sent-im, acolor-im |
cant-eu | perd-eu, tem-eu | sent-iu, acolor-iu |
cant-in | perd-in, tem-in | sent-in, acolor-eix-in |
haver cantat | haver perdut, haver temut | haver sentit, haver acolorit |
havent cantat | havent perdut, havent temut | Havent sentit, havent acolorit |
Preterite indefinite | ||
he cantat | he perdut, he temut | he sentit, havent acolorit |
… | … | … |
Preterite pluperfect | ||
havia cantat | havia perdut, havia temut | havia sentit, havia acolorit |
… | … | … |
Preterite anterior | ||
hagui (o vaig haver) cantat | hagui (o vaig haver) perdut, hagui (o vaig haver) temut |
hagi (o vaig haver) sentit, hagi (o vaig haver) acolorit |
… | … | … |
Future composite | ||
Hauré cantat | hauré perdut, hauré temut | hauré sentit, hauré acolorit |
… | … | … |
hauria (o haguera) cantat | hauria (o haguera) perdut, hauria (o haguera) temut |
hauria (o haguera) sentit, hauria (o haguera) acolorit |
… | … | … |
Preterite perfect | ||
hagi cantat | hagi perdut, hagi temut | hagi sentit, hagi acolorit |
… | … | … |
Preterite pluperfect | ||
hagués cantat | hagués perdut, hagués temut |
hagués sentit, hagués acolorit |
… | … | … |
- (1) Division with a hyphen in each of the forms indicates the root or "lexeme", the portion specific to the particular conjugation, and the ending (known in Catalan as the "desinènci", a word most often seen in the plural "desinències").
- (2) When verbs of the first conjugation have roots that end in c, ç, g, j, gu, or qu before endings that begin with e or i, there is an orthographic alteration to qu, c, gu, g, gü, and qü, respectively. For example:
- "tancar" ==> "tanques"
- "caçar" ==> "caces"
- "furgar" ==> "furgues"
- "rajar" ==> "rages"
- "obliquar" ==> "obliqües"
- (3) The infix -eix- is found in the majority of third-conjugation verbs. Such verbs are known as "verbs incoatius". The third person singular and the third person plural of the present indicative, the subjunctive, and the imperative affix -eix- between the root (lexeme) and the morpheme (or grameme) that constitutes the ending. This pattern is so nearly universal that it is possible to list the exceptions explicitly: "ajupir", "bullir", "collir", "cosir", "cruixir", "dormir", "eixir", "escopir", "esmunyir", "fugir", "grunyir", "morir", "munyir", "obrir", "omplir", "pruir", "pudir", "retrunyir", "sentir", "sortir", "tenir", "tossir", "venir", and verbs that derive from these by adding prefixes, with the "exceptions to the exception" being "assentir" and "dissentir", which have the -eix- infix. "Mentir", "consumir", "resumir", and "brunzir" can be conjugated either way, although the form with the -eix- is considered more correct. "Lluir" is conjugated two ways: without -eix- when it is used in the literal sense of "to emit light", with -eix- when it us used figuratively: "to look good", "to show off", or "to be successful".
- (4) The preterite perfect, also known as the perfect periphrastic, is conjugated by conjugating the auxiliariary verb: "vaig", "vas", "va", "vam", "vau", "van" and following that with the infinitive of the principal verb.
- (5) Verbs whose infinitives end in re omit the last vowel in the future and the conditional conjugations, immediately before the suffixed desinències.
- (6) The participle must match the noun in grammatical gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural).
ca:Flexió verbal del català es:Conjugación de verbos regulares en catalán