Composite bow
A composite bow is made from different materials laminated together, usually applied under tension.
The Hun and Hungarian bows use horn on the rear and sinew on the front. They are recurve bows as the shape curves back on itself and it is this design that gives the bows tremendous power compared with their size.
The English longbow has a natural composite of yew sap wood and heart wood. The heart wood is on the inside of the bow and resists compression and the outer sapwood stretches. This makes a powerful natural spring.
Modern composite bows such as a compound bow use laminated wood, plastic, and fibreglass. These are little affected by changes of temperature and humidity.
External links
- The Bow (
- Ancient Composite Bows (
- Making an Asiatic Composite Bow (
- five composite bows from the tomb of Tutankhamun (
- The Composite Bow (