CodeWarrior is an integrated development environment from Metrowerks for the Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, Linux and other systems such as embedded systems from Freescale Semiconductor. (Metrowerks is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Freescale.) Specialized versions for the Sony PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube, Palm OS, and Symbian OS also exist, and there was even a version for BeOS. C and C++ compilers are the focus of the tools, though versions of CodeWarrior have included Java or Pascal compilers as well. A group from the original Think C team initially developed CodeWarrior. Much like Think C, which was known for its fast compile times, CodeWarrior was faster than Macintosh Programmer's Workshop, the development tools written by Apple, and today is still faster than Apple's gcc based Xcode development tools.
CodeWarrior was a key factor in the success of Apple's transition of its machine architecture from Motorola 68K processors to PowerPC because it provided a complete, solid PowerPC compiler when the competition (Apple's MPW tools and Symantec C++) was mostly incomplete. Metrowerks also made it easy to generate fat binaries which included both 68K and PowerPC code.