CiteSeer, in the past known as ResearchIndex, is a public specialty search engine and digital library that was created by researchers Dr. Steve Lawrence, Kurt Bollacker and Dr. Lee Giles while they were at the NEC Research Institute (now NEC Labs), Princeton, NJ, USA. CiteSeer crawls for and harvests academic scientific documents and uses autonomous citation indexing to permit querying by citation or by document. Currently, it is hosted on the World Wide Web at the School of Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University and has over 700,000 documents, primarily in the fields of computer and information science and engineering. It has recently been extended to academic documents in business, SmealSearch, and in e-business, eBizSearch. CiteSeer also freely provides Open Archives Initiative metadata of all indexed documents and links documents when possible to other sources of metadata such as DBLP and the ACM portal.
CiteSeer's goal is to improve the dissemination and access of academic and scientific literature. As a non-profit service that can be freely used by anyone, it is an example of the democratization of scientific knowledge and the Open Access movement that is revolutionizing academic and scientific publishing and scientific literature access.
The name is a pun. A 'sightseer' is a tourist who looks at the sights, so a 'cite seer' would be a researcher who looks at cited papers or an all knowing 'Seer' of citations.
See also
External links
- Official Site (
- SMEALSearch (
- eBizSearch (
- ParaCite (
- Citebase (
- Google Scholar (
- DBLP (
- ACM Portal (
- Digital Libraries and Autonomous Citation Indexing ( by Steve Lawrence, C. Lee Giles and Kurt Bollacker
- CiteSeer mirror ( ("temporarily offline" as of June 6, 2005)