
CinePaint is a computer program to paint on and retouch bitmap frames of movies. It is a fork of version 1.0.4. of the GIMP. It is free software under the GNU General Public License. Its developers claim it is the most successful open source tool in feature motion picture work today.

Under its old name Film Gimp, CinePaint has so far been used for films such as Scooby-Doo, Harry Potter and Stuart Little.

Features that set CinePaint apart from its photo-editing predecessor are the frame manager, the possibility to do onion skinning, and to work with 16-bit and floating point pixels. (The GIMP now offers a frame manager and onion skinning as well by means of the GIMP Animation Package (GAP).)

The current development version, 0.18, is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unices. The CinePaint developers have rejected the GIMP library GEGL, and have opted for a less complex system. As an additional simplification, images will simply be stored in linear arrays instead of the complex and error-prone tiled format used by GIMP.

(New notification: currently the windows version of FILM GIMP is "broken" and will not be available again until "Glasgow," a re-write of CinePaint is available; Glasgow is based on FLTK instead of GTK1.)

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