Charlie Rose (show)
Charlie Rose is a television interview show, with Charlie Rose as executive producer, executive editor, and host. The show is syndicated on PBS. Rose interviews well-known thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists, and other newsmakers. Rose sits with his guests in the stillness of his studio, across his trademark round, oak-hewn table and silhouetted against a distinctive, and oft-imitated, inky-black background. A new one-hour episode airs nearly every weeknight.
A sampling of guests from the fall/winter of 2003-2004:
Prince Saud - President Mubarak - Clint Eastwood - President Jimmy Carter - National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice - Dan Rather - George Soros - Madeleine Albright - Tony Hawk - Robert McNamara - King Abdullah II - Thomas Friedman - George Shultz - Paul Bremer - Sir Richard Branson - Prime Minister José María Aznar - Secretary Colin Powell - Henry Kissinger - Tom Clancy - Bill Gates - Justice William H. Rehnquist - Desmond Tutu - Secretary-General Kofi Annan - Bill Clinton
The show premiered on September 30, 1991.
- 1987, for his interview with convicted mass murderer Charles Manson
- 1992, for "One on One With Roger Payne," Discovery Channel
External links
- Official website (
- Audio archives of the show from Bloomberg (
- IMDb - The Charlie Rose Show (