This is one of the detailed occupations based on the Standard Occupational Classification System.
The root category: SOC occupations.
SOC divisions within this category:
- 27-0000 – Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations
- 27-2000 – Entertainers and performers, sports and related workers
- 27-2030 – Dancers and choreographers
- 27-2031 – Dancers
- 27-2031 – Choreographers
- 27-2030 – Dancers and choreographers
- 27-2000 – Entertainers and performers, sports and related workers
This category includes both dancers and choreographers, since vast majority of choreographers dance or danced themselves.da:Kategori:Dansere de:Kategorie:Tänzer ja:Category:ダンサー nl:Categorie:Danser sl:Category:Plesalci