Castor River (Missouri)
The Castor River rises in eastern Missouri. The river flows through a shut-in, or trapped area in a river. The river flows south until its waters originally were sent to the Mississippi River through the Headwater Diversion Channel, which came into the Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau. The river flows south until it reaches Saint George Bayou where both streams combine to form the Little River. The Castor River is part of the C.L.SF.N.S. Until 2003, the river was only a foot deep. The river is very silty. Port facilities plus lock and dam structures have been established on the Castor near Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Although it is not a very big river, in the world of navigation, it is expected to become a very popular route. It currently bypasses the notorious "Deadmans passage" which is the area of the Mississippi River near Cairo, named because of Dogtooth Bend.