Casiotone Nation
Casiotone Nation plays an energetic and eclectic mix of funky drum 'n bass with a hint of hip hop. The influences of this Utrecht-based band range from Soul Coughing to the EZ Rollers and from the Cinematic Orchestra to Adam F. The band strives to make the audience dance to fast and heavy beats, but also to make them jump to the hiphopbeats.
Casiotone Nation has been playing in this formation since January 2000. Early 2001 they started performing. Since then the band has played a lot of different stages (including Paradiso, Tivoli and De Vloer). They have also participated in several contests.
In 2001 Casiotone Nation: Launched a website, and recorded their first professional demo at Studio Moskou in Utrecht. Moreover, Casiotone Nation reached the finals of "'t Uur U" and "Het Geheim van Utrecht". Casiotone Nation and Six of Your Best Friends also organised the first Groovement-night at the Sju Huis. The demo received several positive reactions, some from people in the music business. The demo was made demo of the week by U-pop and was presented during a performance with Black Market Audio at Db's in Utrecht.
At the moment they are working towards new recordings and a reconstructed live-set. These recordings will include the use of electronics to add an extra dimension to the music.
External links
Casiotone Nation (