Carrera family
The Carrera family was influential during the Chilean colonial period, was an significant actor on Chilean Independence and the XIX century. Some of them were:
- Ignacio de la Carrera, member of the First National government board on 1810.
his sons:
- José Miguel Carrera Verdugo, militar, he governed Chile during the Patria Vieja Period.
- Juan José Carrera Verdugo, militar, part of the Chilean patriotic troops.
- Luis CarreraVerdugo, militar,part of the Chilean patriotic troops.
- Javiera Carrera Verdugo.
They are known in Chilean History as the Hermanos Carrera. Some of their descendency were also notable in their time:
- Ignacio Carrera Pinto, grand son of José Miguel Carrera Verdugo chilean militar, died on la Concepcion during the War of the Pacific.
- Federico Santa María Carrera, bussinesman and filantropist.