The CLARiiON is EMC's midrange storage array. The CLARiiON was acquired by EMC from Data General, where it had become a successful business. EMC offers both Fibre Channel and Serial ATA disks for this unit.
The Clariion disk array's humble beginnings came from Data General's engineering department, which created something known as "HADA", an acronym for "High Availablity Disk Array".
Patented in 1994, DG's HADA had some interesting features that are now standard in the data storage and computing industry. Features mentioned in the patent paperwork included hot swappability, guide rails for proper electrical contact, and a method to lock the drives in place once they were secured in the channel.
Because of the HADA's innovation, it quickly became the beginning of the Clariion line. The Clariion line quickly spanned from 7 slot SCSI disk arrays, to 30 slot SCSI disk arrays.
In 1997, Data General's Clariion division took the unusual step of adopting an emerging standard - Fibre Channel. The FC5000 array utilized a Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop connection that doubled the performance of SCSI arrays at that time.
From there, the Clariion disk arrays grew into a fast, expandable midrange storage platform that is operating system independent.
External link
- link CLARiiON WWN Calculator (
Archived DG FC5000 Product Announcement (
DG HADA Patent Description (