Bridge Builder
Bridge Builder is a freeware computer game. The object of the game is to construct a bridge which a train may cross over, using a limited number of beams. The game itself is limited to two dimensions, though it has a number of 3D sequels.
At the start of each level, the player is put into edit mode. The player is then presented with a usually flat piece of land with a hole in it, often filled with water. A number of white anchor points are placed in and around the hole, though not necessarily attached to land. These anchor points are where the player starts his bridge, as they won't move for any reason.
Beams are shown in grey. The train is generally not affected by these beams, though a certain bug allows the player to use a well-placed beam to cut the engine off from the rest of the train. The entire structure of any bridge is determined by the support of the beams. Beams have a maximum length, and at both ends of every beam is a junction, which beams may rotate freely about. Anchor points are essentially junctions which don't move, and as such, beams may rotate freely about an anchor point.
The deck is where the train meets the bridge, and is shown as white beams. Any horizontal beam on the same level as the rest of the deck (usually, but not always, the same elevation the train starts on) is automatically considered part of the deck. Aside from the fact that the train meets the rest of the bridge on the deck, the deck is the same as a beam for all other aspects. It is not even necessary for the deck to extend continuously from one end to the other, and some fan-made levels require use of an unusual pre-made deck (for example, one which changes elevation).
As all bridge beams, deck included, cost $100, a budget is placed on the player, putting a limit on the number of beams the player may include in his bridge. There is often competition amongst builders as to who can build the cheapest bridge on a given level. The player may save his bridge in Edit mode and load it up again from the main menu.
Once the player has completed his bridge, he is ready to go into test mode. In test mode, the player sees his bridge as if it was built exactly as specified in edit mode. A poorly made bridge may collapse right then and there, unable to support its own weight. At any time the player may start the train's journey from the left side to the right side. If the train successfully crosses, the level is passed and the player may move on to the next level. If the bridge breaks and the train falls into the water, the player may return to edit mode to redesign his bridge. The player may also view the bridge's stress, color-coding each beam according to the stress put on it. Green beams have little to no stress, while red beams are ready to break.
Though Bridge Builder is an entirely two-dimensional game, its sequels Pontifex and Bridge Construction Set allow the player to build a bridge in three dimensions. Pontifex sports rigid junctions, unlike the freely-rotating beams in borth Bridge Builder and Bridge Construction Set. Additionally, the three-dimensional games sport a wide variety of matierials, including cables and hydraulics. Both games may be bought from the Chronic Logic website.
Bridge Builder comes with fifteen levels, though over a hundred fan-made levels are available for downloading. Contests sponsored by Chronic Logic are held every few months, with the winner(s) receiving a free Chronic Logic game.
External links
- Chronic Logic Website (
- Bridge Builder website (