Brainfork is a minimalistic computer programming language designed by Asger Ipsen in 2004 as a multi-threaded Brainfuck variant.
Brainfork has an instruction-set consisting of exactly nine commands which are with one exception the same as the ones found in Brainfuck. The one instruction that does differ is "Y", capitalized y. In brainfork "Y" is a keyword and therefore it cannot be used in comments, or at least you should know if you do it because the interpreter does not care. The "Y" instruction is very simple in its use although it is indeed very hard to write a working multithreaded brainfork program. When the "Y" is encountered by the interpreter the current thread forks. In the parent thread the current cell is set to 0 and in the child-thread the pointer is moved one cell to the right and it is set to 1.
Brainfork maintains some compatibility with Brainfuck: all Brainfuck programs not containing "Y" characters have the same behaviour when run on a Brainfork interpreter; all Brainfork programs not using "Y" have the same behaviour when run on a Brainfuck interpreter. The set of valid Brainfuck programs is the same as the set of valid Brainfork programs: all Brainfuck programs can be executed in the Brainfork interpreter and vice-versa; of course their behaviour can be different.
External links
- The Brainfork Home (