Black Cat (manga)

Black Cat is a manga series written by Kentaro Yabuki, and Serialised in Shonen Jump Magazine.

This manga series is about a man named "Train Heartnet" who withdrew from an assassination organization named "Toki-no-bannin"(The Time Guardians) to become a Sweeper (a type of bouty hunter).

This organization was formed to wipe out evildoers and is completely controlled by a parent organisation named "Chronos". All of the members of the Time Guardians carry specially-constructed weapon made from a metal named "Orihalcon." Train was the thirteenth member, who received a gun made from Orihalcon. He appears like a cat, and disappears like a cat, and has never failed a job. This is the origin of nickname "Black cat," the thirteenth, an ominous man who delivers bad luck. The reason he left the organization was a result of the influence of a female sweeper named "Minatsuki Saya." Train had never felt any emotions towards doing his jobs. He had never laughed before, and had never even gotten angry. He was always emotionless. But by meeting Saya, and spending time with her, he began to feel emotions.

Unfortunately, Train's former comrade, "Creed Diskenth," started to feel hate towards Saya because she was changing Black Cat into just "normal" man. So when Train was out, he killed Saya.

Train travels around the world with his partner "Sven Borufiido." On the way, they make a new friend named "Eve." The series has concluded in Japan.



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