Bishop of Winchester
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Arms of the Bishop of Winchester
The diocese of Winchester is one of the oldest and most important in England. During the middle ages it was one of the wealthiest English sees, and its bishops have included a number of politically prominent Englishmen.
The Bishops of Winchester had their London residence at Winchester Palace in Southwark, London.
In addition to those listed below, Saint Swithun was bishop during the 9th century.
Bishops of Winchester, 963-present
- Aelfheah II 984-1006
- Cenwulf 1006
- Aethelwold II 1006-1012
- Aelfsige II 1012-1032
- Aelfwine 1032-1047
- Stigand 1047-1070
- Walkelin 1070-1098
- William Giffard 1100-1129
- Henry of Blois 1129-1171
- Richard of Ilchester 1173-1188
- Godfrey de Lucy 1189-1204
- Peter des Roches 1205-1238
- William Raleigh 1240-1250
- Aymer de Valence 1250-1260
- John Gervais 1262-1268
- Nicholas of Ely 1268-1280
- John of Pontoise 1282-1304
- Henry Woodlock 1305-1316
- John Sandale 1316-1319
- Rigaud of Assier 1319-1323
- John de Stratford 1323-1333
- Adam Orleton 1333-1345
- William Edendon 1345-1366
- William of Wykeham 1366-1404
- Henry Cardinal Beaufort 1404-1447
- William Waynflete 1447-1486
- Peter Courtenay 1487-1492
- Thomas Langton 1493-1501
- Richard Fox 1501-1528
- Thomas Wolsey 1529-1530
- Stephen Gardiner 1531-1551
- John Ponet 1551-1553
- Stephen Gardiner 1553-1555
- John White 1556-1559
- Robert Horne 1560-1580
- John Watson 1580-1584
- Thomas Cooper 1584-1594
- William Wickham 1594-1595
- William Day 1595-1596
- Thomas Bilson 1597-1616
- James Montague 1616-1618
- Lancelot Andrewes 1618-1626
- Richard Neile 1627-1632
- Walter Curle 1632-1647
- Brian Duppa 1660-1662
- George Morley 1662-1684
- Peter Mews 1684-1706
- Jonathan Trelawny 1707-1721
- Charles Trimnell 1721-1723
- Richard Willis 1723-1734
- Benjamin Hoadly 1734-1761
- John Thomas 1761-1781
- Brownlow North 1781-1820
- George Pretyman-Tomline 1820-1827
- Charles Richard Sumner 1827-1869
- Samuel Wilberforce 1869-1873
- Edward Harold Browne 1873-1891
- Anthony Wilson Thorold 1891-1895
- Randall Thomas Davidson 1895-1903
- Herbert Edward Ryle 1903-1911
- Edward Stuart Talbot 1911-1923
- Frank Theodore Woods 1923-1932
- Cyril Forster Garbett 1932-1942
- Mervyn George Haigh 1942-1952
- Alwyn Terrell Petre Williams 1952-1961
- Sherard Falkner Allison 1961-1974
- John Vernon Taylor 1974-1985
- Colin Clement Walter James 1985-1995
- Michael Scott-Joynt 1995-present
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