In the fictional Star Trek universe, Betazoids are a sentient humanoid species from the planet Betazed, a member of the United Federation of Planets. They might represent the New Age culture on Earth with its placing of high value upon feelings.
Physically, Betazoids closely resemble humans with the sole distinguishing physical characteristic is that their irises are totally black. The Betazoid brain contains the paracortex, which is a lobe devoted specifically to telepathy. Betazoids are empathic and telepathic (they can communicate telepathically with other Betazoids and some other aliens, and can sense the emotions of a wide variety of species). Betazoid/human hybrids (like Deanna Troi), however, are just empaths, not telepaths (although still able to communicate telepathically with full Betazoids).
The REM frequency of sleeping Betazoids is different than that of most humanoids.
Because they can sense the emotions and sometimes thoughts of others, their culture has evolved to be totally honest and nonprivate; for example, their wedding ceremonies are performed in the nude. Betazoids feel uncomfortable around species whose minds they cannot read (including the Ferengi and the Breen).
Betazoid society includes a complex hereditary nobility. For example, Betazoid ambassador Lwaxana Troi was formally titled Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Riix, and Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed. Members of the nobility are usually betrothed at a very early age.
The gestation period for Betazoids is typically 10 months. At around age 40, Betazoid females enter a period of increased sexual desire called "the phase" [1] (
At one time, it was fashionable for Betazoid women to wear elaborate wigs that encaged small animals. The practice, which was cruel to the animals, was stopped when one (unknown) woman stood up against it.
The Betazoid word imzadi means "beloved", although in the (non-canon, like all Star Trek books) novel "Imzadi", by Peter David, the meaning is expanded to mean "the first", as in the first to touch one's soul. This explains why Deanna Troi calls Will Riker imzadi when they meet in the episode "Encounter at Farpoint", even though they had not been lovers for years.
During the Dominion War, Betazed was occupied by Cardassian/Dominion forces.
Famous Betazoids
External links
- Betazoid (