Berkhamstead Castle
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Ruinous flint walls, keepers house, castle mound in background
Berkhamstead (or Berkhamsted) Castle in Hertfordshire had a leading role in English medieval history, but very little is now to be seen, the ruins having passed into the care of English Heritage. The original fortification dates from Saxon times, and the castle was later given by William the Conqueror to his half-brother, Robert, Count of Mortain. Thomas Becket lived here during his term as Chancellor of England. It later passed into the hands of the Earls of Cornwall, one of whom was Piers Gaveston, favourite of King Edward II of England. Another, Edward, the Black Prince, spent much of his time at this residence.
Important events which took place at Berkhamstead Castle:
- Siege by the future Louis VIII of France (1216)
- Death of Richard of Cornwall, Holy Roman Emperor and younger brother of King Henry III of England (1272)
- Death of Cecily Neville, mother of King Edward IV of England (1495)