Banthas are creatures in the fictional Star Wars universe. They can be found on the planet Tatooine, where they are commonly used as pack animals by Tusken Raiders. They are found on several other planets, including Kashyyyk. Banthas are characterized by their size - about that of an elephant, their thick brown hair, and their spiral-shaped horns.
Tusken Raiders, or Sand People, have a special bond with their bantha mount. If a Tusken Raider dies and it's bantha doesn't (or vice versa) it will go into a rage, then walk off into the desert to die.
A common insult in the Star Wars universe is when someone is referred to as "bantha poodoo" also translated into "bantha fodder".
Clearly Bantha's are popular and much-loved creatures in the Star Wars universe because Chewbacca's son Lumpy can be seen to own a soft toy Bantha in the Star Wars Holiday Special, which he gives much affection.
Banthas are herbivores. They have long, prehensile tongues that they use to grab food, as well as to smell.
Easily domesticated, bantha are used as pack animals on many planets throughout the galaxy.