Baccio Pontelli
Baccio Pontelli (born ca. 1450 in Florence, died 1492 in Urbino) was an Italian architect.
Passing the phase of artistic formation with Giuliano and Benedetto da Maiano in Florence, and influenced by Francesco di Giorgio Martini during the trip to Urbino (1480-1482), he was an in-layer in Florence and later in Urbino. There he worked on the Studio di Federico, Palazzo Ducale.
Acting as an architect in Rome, he participated in the pope's program of building and urbanistic renewing. His projects included: Santa Aurea in Ostia; ponte Sisto; hospital Santo Spirito; the church Sant'Agostino; facade of S.Maria del Popolo; San Pietro in Vincoli. In the last years of his life he worked on the military fortresses of Ostia, Jesi, Osimo and Senigallia.
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