Axiomatic (story collection)
Axiomatic is a 1995 collection of short science fiction stories by Greg Egan.
Axiomatic contains the following short stories.
- The Infinite Assassin
- The Hundred-Light-Year-Diary
- Eugene
- The Caress
- Blood Sisters
- Axiomatic
- The Safe-Deposit Box
- Seeing
- A Kidnapping
- Learning To Be Me
- The Moat
- The Walk
- The Cutie
- Into Darkness
- Appropriate Love
- The Moral Virologist
- Closer
- Unstable Orbits In The Space Of Lies
The stories are difficult to summarize, and an review explains part of the reason why: "Egan delivers shocking body-blows to received ideas in thought-experiment stories that like Jorge Luis Borges's philosophical squibs are booby-trapped with terrible truths and paradoxes." The Guardian sums it up more neatly: "Wonderful mind-expanding stuff, and well-written too."