Animal C
- Caenorhabditis elegansPicture of Camels near the Pyramids in Egypt. Image provided by Classroom Clip Art (
- California Condors
- California Quail
- California Red-Legged Frog
- California Sea Lion
- Camel Spiders
- Camels
- Canada Goose
- Canaries
- Cane Toads
- Capuchin Monkeys
- Capybaras
- Caribou
- Carpenter Bees
- Cassowary
- Catfish
- Cats
- Centipedes
- Cephalopods
- Chatham Island Taiko
- Cheetahs
- Chickadees
- Chickens
- Chiggers
- Chimpanzees
- Chinchillas
- Chinese Mitten Crabs
- Chipmunks
- Chiru
- Cicadas
- Cichlid
- Civets
- Clownfish
- Cnidarians
- Cobras
- Cockatiels
- Cockatoos
- Cockroaches
- Coelacanth
- Colossal Squids
- Common Dolphins
- Common Loons
- Condors
- Constrictors
- Cookie Cutter Shark
- Coopers Hawk
- Copepods
- Copperheads
- Corals and Anemones
- Cougars
- Cowbirds
- Cows
- Coyotes
- Crabs
- Crane Flies
- Crane bird
- Crayfish
- Crocodiles and Alligators
- Crow Family
- Crown-of-Thorns Starfish
- Crustaceans
- Cuscus
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