Anápolis, the second largest city in the State of Goiás in Brazil, is a city of approximately 256,000 people. The Força Aérea Brasileira (Brazilian Air Force) is headquartered there. The city is also the headquarters of Missão Novas Tribos do Brasil (New Tribes Mission of Brazil).
There are many shopping centers located in the city including Anashopping, a two storey mall connected to a Chevrolet dealership, and VIP, a large supermarket. DAIA is the economic sector of Anapolis. It includes many large companies such as Teuto, a pharmaceuticals manufacturing plant.
Anápolis is located 45 minutes away from Goiânia, the state Capital (1,000,000) and two and a half hours away from Brasília (2.5 million), the capital of the Country. There is a 4-lane highway connecting the city to both of those cities.
External links
- Photos of Anápolis (http://www.worldcityphotos.hpg.com.br/Images/Brasil/Anapolis/)
- Missão Novas Tribos do Brasil (http://www.mntb.org.br)
- Photos of Anápolis (http://www.brazilskyscrapers.hpg.com.br/cities/anapolis.htm)
- Anápolis Site (in portuguese (http://www.anapolis.go.gov.br)