Aishiteruze Baby
Aishiteruze Baby (愛してるぜベイベ★★) is an anime series based on the manga originally created by Maki Yoko (槙ようこ), which was serialized in Ribon. The anime series ran on Animax starting on April 2004, and completed in 26 episodes. The opening and ending theme songs are "Sunny Side Up" and "年年歳歳" sung by Hitoto Yo.
Aishiteruze Baby is a shōjo series that revolves around the life of Katakura Kippei, a high school playboy who suddenly finds himself the surrogate parent of his 5 year old cousin Sakashita Yuzuyu when her mother disappears.ja:愛してるぜベイベ★★
Categories: Manga | Anime