
Agumon is a fictional character from the Digimon series, a reptillian Digimon and the partner of Taichi Yagami. He is reliable, ferocious, and brave, practically a best friend. Although he is no longer as weak as a Baby Digimon, he is still growing, and so he is still weak.



Special Evolutions


In the Digimon World-X game, Agumon could wield the Battlehawk Axe as his weapon.


  • Baby Flame (Pepper Breath):Shoots a red hot ball of flames from his mouth
  • Spitfire: Fires a small ball of flames from his mouth
  • Sharp Claws (Claw Attack):Slashes enemies with his razor sharp claws
  • Cross Night
  • Dynamite Kick

Important Events

First Season (Digimon Adventure)

Koromon permanently digivolved to Agumon to protect Taichi from Kuwagamon. Later, he evolved to Greymon when a Shellmon attacked the Chosen Children. At the end of the Etemon arc, Agumon was the first to evolve to Ultimate level, becoming Metal Greymon through the use of the Crest of Courage. Attacking Etemon, he and Taichi were sucked through a rift into the Real World. After a visit of a couple hours, in which they met up with Hikari, received a distress call from Koushirou, and battled some semi-hallucinatory Digimon, they returned to the Digital World, where weeks had passed.

Later on, after returning to the Real World, Agumon digivolved yet again into Metal Greymon to combat Myotismon, but his attacks proved to be futile when villian became VenomMyotismon. But when the Arrows of Hope and Light were shot at Taichi and Yamato, Agumon gained the power to Warp Digivolve into WarGreymon, who together with MetalGarurumon gave Venom Myotismon a sound trashing. When the Digidestined returned to the Digital World to combat the Dark Masters, Agumon managed to digivolve once again into War Greymon, fighting and destroying Metal Seadramon and Machinedramon. He was also involved in the battles against Piedmon and Apocalymon.

Second Season (Digimon Adventure 02)

One year after their adventure, Taihi and Agumon were reunited, only that Taichi gave up his Crest-power to free the Soverigns. As a result, Agumon lost the power to become MetalGreymon and WarGreymon. Two years later, when the Digimon Emperor was conquering the DigiWorld, Agumon was among the old generation Digimon to help the new gang out. But he was kidnapped by the Digimon Emperor and made into his slave. But when the Digimon Emperor tried to digivolve him though the use of his Dark-D3 which made Agumon digivolve once again into SkullGreymon. The Emperor learning from his mistake created a Dark Spiral - a modified version of the Dark Ring and this time turned him into a viral version of MetalGreymon. Although he was freed by the Digidestined, Metalgreymon's data (specifically his hair), SkullGreymon's data (his arm), and Greymon's data, recreated in the form of its head were used in the creation of the fearsome Kimeramon.

Agumon eventually came to the real world on Christmas eve, and on Christmas day he helped to gather the Digimon who appeared world-wide along with Control Spires, receiving a power boost from one of the DigiCores of Azulongmon, restoring his ability to Digivolve to Ultimate. But the next day, during the battle SkullSatamon of the Daemon Corps, the strain of being in the real world got to Agumon so he and the others had to return, but not before sacrificing the energy to go Ultimate to power up Imperial Dramon into Fighter Mode. He came back the next day with another power boost from Azulongmon to find Black War Greymon. He later returned to the Digiworld during the final battle against MaloMyotismon.

Digimon Frontier

Some Agumon were seen at the Autumn Leaf Fair at Ice Terminal.


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