Activision Tennis
Activision Tennis was a video game that was released in 1981 by Activision. It was one of a series of sports games released by Activision, which also included 1982's Activision Boxing.
Game play
Activision Tennis was played for one set of games, in which the first player to win six games won the competition, unlike real life tennis, where competitors have to win, at least, two out of three six game sets.
One of the players on the screen was dressed in pink; the other one in blue. Most of tennis' rules applied to this game, except that there were no out of bounds shots. Shots that hit the lines were always considered inbound shots. The tennis ball was rather shaped like a block instead of a circle.
The game could be played both on Activision and Atari consoles. The Activision company had actually been formed in 1979 by employees who had walked out of the Atari company.
Current availability
Both Activision Tennis and Activision Boxing are currently available in specially made video controllers, which usually contain packs of five or six games each, and are available at retail stores for about 18 dollars in the United States.