Abdullah as-Sallal
Abdullah as-Sallal (1917-1994) was the President of the Yemen Arab Republic from 27 September 1962 to 5 November 1967.
As-Sallal led revolutionary forces that deposed Muhammad al-Badr and forced the Mutawakkalite Kingdom of Yemen into exile. He presided over the newly founded Republic, with close ties to Egypt as the YAR's strongest ally in the war against the Mutawakkalite royalists that lasted into 1968. Yemen's President Abdullah al-Salal negotiated with tribal leaders,and The uniformed president was the leader of the 1962 revolution, which toppled the regime of Imam Ahmed and converted the small Arabic nation from a monarchy to a republic.
Six different men held the position of Prime Minister under as-Sallal, including as-Sallal himself three times. He held both titles from independence until 26 April 1963, when he appointed Abdul Latif Dayfallah, as well as briefly in 1965 and from 18 September 1966 until the end of his presidency. Abdul Rahman al-Iryani, as-Sallal's successor to the presidency in 1967, served as Prime Minister in 1963 and 1964. Hassan al-Amri held the post three times.nl:Abdullah as-Sallal