ABN AMRO is the largest bank in the Netherlands and has operations all over the world, its history going back to 1824.
It is the result of the merger in 1991 of Algemene Bank Nederland (ABN) and AMRO - the Amsterdamsche-Rotterdamsche Bank. Note the bank standard is to always write ABN AMRO entirely in capital letters - as it is an abbreviation not an ordinary proper name.
ABN AMRO ranks 11th in Europe and 20th in the world based on tier 1 capital, with over 3,000 branches in more than 60 countries, a staff of more than 97,000 full-time equivalents and total assets of EUR 742.9 billion (as at 31 March 2005).
The U.S. Operations of ABN AMRO consist of LaSalle Bank in Chicago and Standard Federal Bank in Detroit which operate under the name LaSalle National Corporation. The third home market is Brazil with its subsidiary Banco Real.id:ABN Amro nl:ABN AMRO