9th century
(8th century - 9th century - 10th century - other centuries)
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- Beowulf might have been written down in this century, though it could also have been in the 8th century
- Reign of Charlemagne, and concurrent (and controversially labeled) Carolingian Renaissance in western Europe
- Viking attacks on Europe begin
- Oseberg ship burial
- The Magyars arrive in what is now Hungary, forcing the Serbs and Bulgars south of the Danube.
- The Tukolor settle in the Senegal river valley.
- Muslim traders settle in the north-west and south-east of Madagascar.
- around 813-around 915 - period of serious Arab naval raids on shores of Tyrrhenian and Adriatic seas
- 800-909 - rule of Aghlabids as independent dynasty in North Africa
- 850-875 - The first Norse settlers arrive on Iceland.
- 863-879 - period of schism between eastern and western churches
- Late 9th century: Bulgaria stretches from the mouth of the Danube to Epirus and Bosnia.
Significant people
Inventions, discoveries, introductions
- Vulgar Latin begins to devolve into various Romance languages
- First image of a rotary grindstone in a European source - illustration shows crank, first known use of a crank in the West (Utrecht Psalter, A.D. 843)
- Invention of gunpowder by Chinese Taoist Alchemists
Decades and years
Template:DecadesAndYearsaf:9de eeu ca:Segle IX cs:9. století da:9. århundrede de:9. Jahrhundert es:Siglo IX eo:9-a jarcento fr:IXe siècle fy:9e ieu ko:9세기 it:IX secolo he:המאה ה-9 la:9. saec. lb:9. Joerhonnert li:Negende ieuw nl:9e eeuw ja:9世紀 nb:9. århundre nn:800-talet pl:IX wiek pt:Século IX ro:Secolul IX ru:IX век sl:9. stoletje fi:800-luku sv:800-talet tr:9. yüzyıl uk:9 століття zh:9世纪