234 BC
Centuries: 4th century BC - 3rd century BC - 2nd century BC
Decades: 280s BC 270s BC 260s BC 250s BC 240s BC - 230s BC - 220s BC 210s BC 200s BC 190s BC 180s BC
Years: 239 BC 238 BC 237 BC 236 BC 235 BC - 234 BC - 233 BC 232 BC 231 BC 230 BC 229 BC
- Greece: Epeirote Alliance replaced by federal state (Koinon of the Epeirotes)
- Greece: city of Old Pleuron destroyed by Demetrios II
- Greece: after resignation of Lydiades, Megalopolis joins Achaean League
- China (Qin Dynasty): 100,000 Zhao soldiers killed in Pingyang battle
- China: Ch'in Shin Haung Ti (King Cheng) begins unification of China
- Rome: Corsica, Sardinia and Liguria rebel unsuccessfully against Rome
- China: construction of Great Wall begins
- Rome: Temple of Honos et Virtus built by Q. Fabius Maximus Verrucosus
- India: Third Buddhist Council (Sangayana) held in Patna
- King Parnazavi or Pharnabazus I of Iberia, Georgia
- Ashoka, head of Mauryan Empire in India
- Zenodotus of Ephesus, first librarian of Great Library of Alexandria
- Han Fei, legal scholar of the Hundred Schools period
- Diodotus, Seleucid satrap of Bactriaca:234 aC
de:234 v. Chr. es:234 adC eo:-234 fr:-234 it:234 AC hr:234 p.n.e. lb:-234 nl:234 v. Chr. pl:234 p.n.e. pt:234 a.C. sl:234 pr. n. št. sr:234. пне. uk:234 до Р.Х.