20th century BC
(21st century BC - 20th century BC - 19th century BC - other centuries)
(3rd millennium BC - 2nd millennium BC - 1st millennium BC)
- 2071 BC - Magh Ithe, first recorded battle in Ireland
- 2064 - 1986 BC -- Twin Dynasty wars in Egypt
- 2000 BC -- Farmers and herders travel south from Ethiopia and settle in Kenya.
- 1991 BC -- Egypt: End of Eleventh Dynasty, start of Twelfth Dynasty
- 1932 BC -- Amorite conquest of Ur
- 1913 - 1903 BC -- Egyptian-Nubian war
- 1900 BC -- Achaean invasions of Greece
- around 1900 BC -- Fall of last Sumerian dynasty
Significant men
Jacob, patriarch in Christianity and Judaism.
Inventions, discoveries, introductions
- 1950 BC -- The copper bar cubit of Nippur defines the Sumerian cubit as 51.72 cmde:20. Jahrhundert v. Chr.
et:20. sajand eKr es:Siglo XX adC fa:سده 20اُم پ.م. fr:XXe siècle av. J.-C. nl:20e eeuw v. Chr. pl:XX wiek p.n.e. ru:XX век до н. э.