1963 (comic)
1963 is a comic book by esteemed author Alan Moore. It has technically never been finished, as the complete package was originally intended to comprise six issues and an 80pg Annual, of which only the six issues have been printed, by Image. The comics also contained adverts for '1963 1/2', which never surfaced either.
The six issues hark back to the heyday of comics, and feature spoof adverts on the rear covers - in a manner to be repeated with a twist by Moore and Kevin O'Neill in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The six issues are called:
- Mystery Inc.
- No-one Escapes the Fury.
- Tales of the Uncanny
- Tales From Beyond
- Horus, Lord of Light
- Tomorrow Syndicate
External links
- The AMFS FAQ: 1963 (http://www.alanmoorefansite.com/faq/1963.html)
- 1963 Annotations (http://www.hoboes.com/pub/Comics/Creators/Alan%20Moore/1963%20Annotation)
- Another Page of 1963 Annotations (http://www.enjolrasworld.com/Annotations/Alan%20Moore/1963%20Annotations.htm)