1832 in Canada
See also: 1831 in Canada, other events of 1832, 1833 in Canada and the list of 'years in Canada'.
- January 1 - William Lyon Mackenzie readmited to the Legislative Assembly after being expelled
- March - Attempted assassination of William Lyon Mackenzie at Hamilton.
- March 30 - Bank of Nova Scotia is founded
- May 21 - Election riots at Montreal. Three persons being shot by the troops, Colonel Macintosh and Captain Temple are arrested.
- June 20 - Eighty-eight deaths, from Asiatic cholera, at Montreal.
- December - A meeting, at Toronto, proposes annexation of the District of Montreal to Upper Canada.
- Deaths from Asiatic cholera, in Quebec, in five months, 3,300. Meetings of French Canadians attribute the cholera to British immigrants, 52,000 having arrived in the year.
- The City of Montreal is incorporated. Heretofore an out-port of Quebec, it becomes a port of entry.
- William Lyon Mackenzie leaves for England with 25,000 names on the petition, with little result.
- William Lyon Mackenzie expelled and re-elected while away.
- January 1 - David Oppenheimer, Mayor of Vancouver
- July 30 - Simon H. Holmes, Premier of Nova Scotia