169 (number)
169 is the natural number following one hundred sixty-eight and preceding one hundred seventy.
169 | |
Cardinal | one hundred [and] sixty-nine |
Ordinal | 169th |
Factorization | <math>169 = 13^2<math> |
Roman numeral | CLXIX |
Binary | 10101001 |
Hexadecimal | A9 |
One hundred sixty-nine is one of the few squares to also be a centered hexagonal number. But like any other odd square, it is also a centered octagonal number.
It is a Pell number.
It is the sum of seven consecutive primes, 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 + 29 + 31 + 37.
It is the number of nonequivalent starting hands in Texas hold 'em (see http://www.math.sfu.ca/~alspach/art3.pdf for an explanation).
See also one hundred sixty
For the year AD, see 169 AD.ko:169 sl:169 (število)