List of international license plate codes

This is a list of international license plate codes:

A Austria
AFG Afghanistan
AG Antigua and Barbuda
AL Albania
AND Andorra
ANG Angola
ARM Armenia
AUS Australia
AZ Azerbaijan
B Belgium
BD Bangladesh
BDS Barbados
BF Burkina Faso
BG Bulgaria
BH Belize
BHT Bhutan
BIH Bosnia-Herzegovina
BOL Bolivia
BP Bechuanaland Protectorate (1935-1966)
BR Brazil
BRN Bahrain
BRU Brunei
BS Bahamas
BU Burundi
BVI British Virgin Islands
BW Botswana (from 2003)
BY Belarus
BZ Belize
C Cuba
CAM Cameroon
CD Democratic Republic of the Congo
CDN Canada
CH Switzerland
CI Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
CL Sri Lanka
CO Colombia
COM Comoros
CR Costa Rica
CS Czechoslovakia (until 1992)
CV Cape Verde
CY Cyprus
CZ Czech Republic
D Germany
DDR German Democratic Republic (until 1990)
DARS Democratic Arab Republic of Sahara (Western Sahara)
DJI Djibouti
DK Denmark
DOM Dominican Republic
DVRK North Korea
DY Benin
DZ Algeria
E Spain
EAK Kenya
EAT Tanzania
EAU Uganda
EC Ecuador
ER Eritrea
ES El Salvador
EST Estonia
ET Egypt
ETH Ethiopia
F France
FIN Finland (formerly: SF)
FJI Fiji
FL Liechtenstein
FR Faroes
FSM Federated States of Micronesia
G Gabon
GB United Kingdom (Great Britain)
GBA Alderney
GBG Guernsey
GBJ Jersey
GBM Isle of Man
GBZ Gibraltar
GCA Guatemala
GE Georgia
GH Ghana
GQ Equatorial Guinea
GR Greece
GUY Guyana
H Hungary
HK Hong Kong
HN Honduras
HR Croatia
I Italy
IL Israel
IND India
IR Iran
IRL Republic of Ireland
IRQ Iraq
IS Iceland
J Japan
JA Jamaica
JOR Jordan
K Cambodia
KIR Kiribati
KN Greenland
KS Kyrgyzstan
KSA Saudi-Arabia
KWT Kuwait
KZ Kazakhstan
L Luxembourg
LAO Laos
LAR Libya
LB Liberia
LS Lesotho
LT Lithuania
LV Latvia
M Malta
MA Morocco
MAL Malaysia
MC Monaco
MD Moldavia
MEX Mexico
MGL Mongolia
MH Marshall Islands
MK Macedonia
MOC Mozambique
MS Mauritius
MV Maldives
MW Malawi
MYA Myanmar
N Norway
NA Netherlands Antilles
NAM Namibia
NAU Nauru
NEP Nepal
NIC Nicaragua
NL Netherlands
NZ New Zealand
OM Oman
P Portugal
PA Panama
PAL Palau
PE Peru
PK Pakistan
PL Poland
PNG Papua New Guinea
PS Occupied Palestinian territories
PY Paraguay
Q Qatar
RA Argentina
RB Botswana (until 2003)
RC China (Republic of China)
RCA Central African Republic
RCB Republic of the Congo
RCH Chile
RE Réunion
RG Guinea
RH Haiti
RI Indonesia
RIM Mauritania
RL Lebanon
RM Madagascar
RMM Mali
RN Niger
RO Romania
ROK Korea
ROU Uruguay
RP Philippines
RSM San Marino
RT Togo
RUS Russia
RWA Rwanda
S Sweden
SCG Serbia and Montenegro (formerly: YU)
SCN Saint Kitts and Nevis
SD Swaziland
SF formerly Finland (now: FIN)
SGP Singapore
SK Slovakia
SLO Slovenia
SME Suriname
SN Senegal
SOL Solomon Islands
SP Somalia
STP São Tomé and Príncipe
SU Soviet Union (former)
SUD Sudan
SY Seychelles
SYR Syria
TCH Chad
THA Thailand
TJ Tajikistan
TL Timor-Leste (East Timor)
TM Turkmenistan
TN Tunisia
TO Tonga
TR Turkey
TT Trinidad and Tobago
TUV Tuvalu
UA Ukraine
UAE United Arab Emirates
USA United States
UZ Uzbekistan
V Vatican City
VN Vietnam
VU Vanuatu
WAG The Gambia
WAL Sierra Leone
WAN Nigeria
WD Dominica
WG Grenada
WL Saint Lucia
WS Samoa
WV Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
YAR Yemen
YU originally for Yugoslavia, afterwards was for Serbia and Montenegro - now SCG
YV Venezuela
Z Zambia
ZA South Africa
ZW Zimbabwe

Note: There are other, unofficial codes in common use, such as "CYM" for Wales and "VL" for Flanders. These often signify places which are not internationally recognised as independent states. See for a list of some of these.


UN Economic Commission for Europe, Working Party on Road Transport (WP.11) ( mezinárodních poznávacích znaÄ�ek de:Liste der internationalen Kraftfahrzeugkennzeichen eo:Internacia aŭtosigno fr:Liste des codes internationaux des plaques minéralogiques it:Sigla automobilistica internazionale pl:Międzynarodowy kod samochodowy sk:Medzinárodná poznávacia značka sl:Mednarodna avtomobilska oznaka fi:Ajoneuvon kansallisuustunnus zh-tw:車輛國籍代號


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