Kuat Drive Yards


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The Kuat Drive Yards logo.
Kuat Drive Yards is the largest military shipbuilding corporation in the fictional Star Wars universe and owns several subsidiary corporations including Kuat Systems Engineering and Rothana Heavy Engineering (the latter of which provided armament and ships for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's clone army during Clone Wars). KDY is one of the few major corporations which sided with the Galactic government during the Clone Wars, against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Kuat Drive Yards' major competitors for major military contracts during the Imperial reign included Sienar Fleet Systems and Corellian Engineering Corporation.

After the Galactic Civil War, New Republic took control of Kuat Drive Yards and the company began production of spaceships for the Republic, however, some factories of Kuat Drive Yards continued building Star Destroyers and Walkers for the Imperial Remnant.

The main shipyards at the Kuat system actually ring the entirety of the system and in terms of sheer manufacturing ability it was first among equals.

KDY also sells planetary turbolasers, which, according to their catalog, is the "first, last, and only line of defense" for a planet.



Rothana Heavy Engineering

This subsidiary was in operation prior to and during the Clone Wars, they had a contract with the cloners on Kamino and created war machines for the Galactic Republic's clone trooper army.

Some of Rothana's products include:

Kuat Systems Engineering

This subsidiary was in operation toward the end of the Old Republic. They built Slave I, the ship used by the bounty hunters Jango and Boba Fett. KSE was sold off to a group of Imperial loyalists after the Battle of Endor however these investors turned out to be Vaathkree merchants with ties to the New Republic.

Some of KSE's products included:

  • Cloakshape fighter
  • Firespray-class patrol and attack ships

Core Galaxy Systems

(Bought out by KDY)




(most of KDY's starfighter lines were sold to Sienar Fleet Systems following the Jedi Purge)


Capital Ships

  • Acclamator-class Assault Ship
  • Nebulon-B Frigate
  • Lancer-Class Frigate
  • The Star Destroyer line of capital ships, including
    • Venator class Star Destroyers (Lucasfilm marketing name "Republic Attack Cruiser")
    • Imperial/Imperator class Star Destroyers (Lucasfilm marketing name "Imperial Star Destroyer")
    • Tector class Star Destroyers
    • Allegiance class Star Destroyer Leaders
    • Super class Star Cruisers
    • Sovereign class Star Dreadnoughts
    • Executor class Star Dreadnoughts (Lucasfilm marketing name "Super Star Destroyer")
    • Eclipse class Star Dreadnoughts
    • And many other ships of multiple sizes

(an unrelated Star Destroyer design, the Victory class, was designed and built by competitor Rendili StarDrive)


Ground Assault Craft


Defense Systems


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