Galaxy High

Galaxy High was an animated cartoon that premiered on September 13, 1986 on CBS and ran for 13 episodes. The series was created by movie director Chris Columbus and featured music and a theme song composed by Eagles member Don Felder. Galaxy High was about two earth teenagers who were accepted in the interstellar high school Galaxy High School on the asteroid, Flutor. The teenage boy Doyle was popular in his earth high school while the teenage girl Aimee was shy and as the theme song states, "the smartest girl in school, not ver popular, not ver cool." But once in space, the alien teenagers seem to accept the not so popular Aimee, while Doyle tends to rub the aliens the wrong way. The show has hints of a budding romance between Doyle and Aimee but it never is given time to grow due to only 13 episodes being produced.

The aliens in the school, included Gilda Gossip, the girl with the big mouth or mouths. Booey Bubblehead who has a bubble for a head and is absent-minded. Milo De Venus the six armed class president. There is also Beef and the Bonk Bunch who bully Doyle. The teachers are even more unusual than the students. Ms. Biddy McBrain has a light bulb attached to her head. Coach Frogface eats flies. Also, Professor Icenstein has to keep his classroom cold or he will melt.

Galaxy High Theme (Don W. Felder )

© 1986 Fingers Music (ASCAP)

Doyle was a high school star

Everybody thought he'd go real far

But he didn't get a thing from the classes he took

You know he just wasn't interested in his books.

Aimee was the smartest girl at school

Not very popular, not very cool

Two kids will be chosen from earth

To go to school at Galaxy High.

Travelling millions of miles through space

To go to school in a far out place,

Aimee is the sweetheart

Doyle's got a lot to learn

Here at Galaxy High...

(Galaxy High, Galaxy High, Galaxy High, Galaxy High.)

Here is a brief description of the show from the video box:

"Blast off to the outer space high school where the students come in all shapes, sizes and every color of the rainbow! At Galaxy High the junior class president has six hands. The local pizza parlor is as close as the nearest satellite and when the science teacher get mad he melts! Join two earthings exchange students as they encounter a crazy collection of cosmic kids from all over the universe."


  1. 01 Welcome to Galaxy High (9/13/1986)
  Doyle and Aimee arrive at Galaxy High and meet their strange new classmates.  Here, their roles are switched, as Doyle is now a nerd and Aimee is popular.
  1. 02 Pizza's Honor (9/20/1986)
  Doyle must make a pizza delivery to the creep Tinglar planet.  But Beef and the Bonk Bunch follow him to make trouble.
  1. 03 The Beef Who Would Be King (9/27/1986)
  Beef is elected king of the planet Cholesterol.  But once he gets crowned they want to eat him and Doyle must save him.  
  1. 04 Where's Milo? (10/4/1986)
  Milo disappears after he angers his friends by making a couple of accidents.
  1. 05 Those Eyes, Those Lips (10/11/1986)
  Booey wants to go to the Mick Maggers concert, but the tickets are sold out.  Aimee and the gang go to great lengths to get a ticket for Booey.
  1. 06 Doyle's New Friend (10/18/1986)
  The Hands Across the Universe dance is coming to Galaxy High, and Doyle's new friend Wolfgang arrives to help with the dance and play practical jokes on everyone.
  1. 07 Dollars and Sense (10/25/1986)
  Aimee is pursued by Reggie Unicycle, the richest man in the galaxy.  He showers her with gifts and trips, and the gang must help her see him for what he really is.
  1. 08 Beach Blanket Blow-Up (11/1/1986)
  Everyone, but Doyle gets to go for Spring Break at Fort Lauderoid.  But Doyle and Professor Icenstein find out that a supernova nearby will destroy the beach planetoid.
  1. 09 The Brain Blaster (11/8/1986)
  To get better grades, Doyle tries a brain blaster and gets addicted.  He steals from his friends in order to pay for his habit, but Aimee and friends try to break him off of the drug.  NOTE: This episode won the story editors a Humanitas award.
  1. 10 The Brat Pack (11/15/1986)
  Beef is punished by Ms. McBrain to take over a class full of little kids who are a lot of trouble.
  1. 11 Founder's Day (11/22/1986)
  Doyle, Aimee, Milo and Creep fall into Professor Icenstein's time machine and go back to the day that Galaxy High was founded.  But by being there, they alter time and have to make sure that Galaxy High gets created somehow. 
  1. 12 Martian Mumps (11/29/1986)
  Everyone but Doyle, Aimee and Professor Icenstein get the Martian Mumps, a disease that turns everyone green and dull.  They must find a cure soon or the students and teachers will remain martians forever.
  1. 13 It Came From Earth (12/6/1986)
  At a big game, Doyle is knocked out, and wakes up 15 years later to find he has grown into a giant.  All the former Galaxy High students are on Earth and Beef's army has been ordered to destroy Doyle.   

VOICE ACTORS Susan Blu as Aimee Brightower Pat Carroll as Ms. Biddy McBrain Nancy Cartwright as "Flat" Freddy Fender and Gilda Gossip Guy Christopher as Earl Eccchhh Gino Conforti as Ollie Oilslick the cabbie and Reggie Unicycle Jennifer Darling as Booey Bubblehead, Mertyl Blastermeier and Wendy Garbo Pat Fraley as Coach Frogface and Sludge the janitor Henry Gibson as Doyle's locker David L. Lander as Milo De Venus Danny Mann as the Creep Howard Morris as Professor Icenstein and Luigi La Bounci Hal Rayle as Doyle Cleverlobe Neil Ross as Rotten Roland John Stephenson as Beef Bonk and Harvey Blastermeier

later airdates: Jan 2, 1988-Aug 27, 1988 on CBS, Fall 1994-early 1995, Feb 7, 1996-Feb 23, 1996, Apr-May 1996 on Sci-Fi Channel

The series was animated, distributed and owned by TMS Entertainment


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